Monday 12 November 2012

Website Research

Wheels of Steel is a side project by Scott Schiller, a Canadian who works at Yahoo!  And mixes photography, sound and code together. He The project uses SoundManager 2 and other F/OSS-type programs. It started in February 2011 as a small CSS experiment, and over 12 weeks between evenings and weekends, evolved to cover most of the capabilities of a dual-turntable and mixer uses a few HTML5 elements in the markup, but mostly CSS3, the mixer and the turntable pitch sliders are all in CSS. The audio scratch, pitch and EQ effects are created in Adobe Flash. He wanted to create a turntable based project for years but found that it wasn’t really practical until the release of CSS3. 

This is a website which has been labelled as ‘the best ugliest website ever’ which uses a mix of moving animation, annoying background music, the use of comic sans to write poorly written paragraphs about the site and goalies, a colourful background with non-complimentary coloured fonts and large distracting words and boxes.

The website is not very user friendly and seems to be pretty pointless. Apart from a guestbook there is not much more for a user to do with the webpage.

A boy that needed money to help him pay for university created the million-dollar homepage. The idea behind the website was to make $1m by selling a million pixels for $1 each.

So, everyone is welcome to buy my pixels, which are available in 100-pixel 'blocks' (each measuring 10x10 pixels). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to display anything meaningful.
You can buy as many pixels as you like, as long as there are some available (see the live stats in the top right corner of the page). When you buy some pixels, you can then display an image/ad/logo of your choice in the space you have purchased. You can also have the image click through to your own website. However, no obscene or offensive images are allowed.
The pixels you buy will be displayed on the homepage permanently. The homepage will not change. Using some of the money I make from the site, I guarantee to keep it online for at least 5 years, but hopefully much longer. I want it to become a kind of internet time capsule. So, in the long run, I believe the pixels will offer good value. You will have a piece of internet history!”

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