Tuesday 13 November 2012

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

My name is David McFadyen. I am 19 years of age. I am applying for a course in Film & TV or Film Studies. I have chosen this option as I have always had a passion for film since I was a child. My interested started by watching movies constantly and then wanting to know how they were made as that always intrigued me.
My influences being Directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Francis Ford Coppolla and Dario Argento. And I would say that I have a vast and broad knowledge of cinema.
I started to research facts about films in my spare time with things like who the director and writer were etc. In High school I chose Media Studies as on of my subject choices to try and gain more knowledge about the industry. When I was 15 I was offered the opportunity with my Media Class to take part in a ten-day film course in Bournemouth University. We were required to make a 5-minute film and were taught how to operate professional cameras, editing software sound stages, lighting and boom microphone operating. I learned skills in Avid editing suite and also how to cut and put together 16mm film.
I personally took interest in being behind the camera and the idea of being a Director has always been my passion and is what I want in life as a career choice. And I hope that if I am accepted into a Film course it can help me further my ambition to pursue a career in the Film industry.
I have experience from having secured a placement on two film courses, one in Bournemouth University and another in Caerleon University throughout my time as a High School Student. My role in Bournemouth was Director, Co-writer and Editor. At Caerleon I had to act but again was the editor of the finished product. In both courses the finished films were shown at a presentation for family and friends and also put on a DVD. They are also available on YouTube.
Having the role of director in Bournemouth meant that the supervision of the crew when we were making the film was in my hands, and any problems that were encountered would have to be resolved by me. Such as sometimes some of the crew would have a disagreement about something, I would get them both to hear each other’s idea and find a middle ground with something they both could agree on.
I had to decide what camera set ups to use for each scene and tell the actors to do another take if the first wasn’t exactly satisfactory. In my own time I have organised my own films, which I devised with friends. This helps to show that I have good organisation skills.
I have good communication skills and have always worked well as part of a team and also as an individual. I am a very confident person and this has always helped me to get on with new people no matter what culture or background they are from.
I have developed my skills over time as I have been studying Media for 6 years. I had 2 years in GCSE, 2 in 6th form and now I am currently in my final year in College studying an Extended National Diploma interactive Media and aiming for top grades. Throughout these years I have developed skills in programs such as Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Director, Dreamweaver, Flash and GarageBand. With knowledge of this software this broadens my options if being a director doesn’t happen for me as I could apply for other things such as being the creator of marketing for films, editing and coding websites for advertising campaigns. My main inspiration is to be a director that could bring something new to the table as in my opinion most of the stuff in Hollywood these days are just the same ideas being used over and over again. And I think I could bring something new and fresh to the course.

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