Wednesday 17 October 2012

With the stippler doing more comic stuff

My comic book characters are based around an absolute illiterate lunatic, here are some quotes 'I was lessoning....lessoning? WHAT!?' you get the jist....

Monday 15 October 2012

Rectangular Programming Language

URL = Uniform Resource Locator

http = HyperText Transfer Protocol

/moodle.index.html = URL path name = top level domain

html = HyperText Mark up Language (basically text documents)

JavaScript adds Interactivity!

PHP = personal hypertext protocol


xhtml or xml = extensible hypertext mark up language (use in dreamweaver)

xml is used for 'Web Apps'

if you add a D to the start of html it means DYNAMIC


CSS = Cascading Style Sheets


3 Types of Styles
External (linked)

< > = Open
</ > = Closed

<img src_______

Heading Sizes

h1 (selector)  
fontface = "verdana" size = "14pt"      = DECLERATION (dec BLOCK)

fontface - property
verdana = value
14pt = values


: Site root folder (everything goes in here)
: Images
: Thumb Images
: HTML files
: Video files
: Sound files

Wednesday 3 October 2012


This is Gonna Be the Name of my Comic about a struggling Heroin addict, his name being Frank Monition

I was inspired by the name after seeing a misspelling of, well, i'm not sure what word it was meant to be.

History of The Internet Research

Gotta Research The 'Istory of the internet with Glynis inni

So here's some info on the internet

The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. This began with point-to-point communication between mainframe computers and terminals, expanded to point-to-point connections between computers and then early research into packet switching. Packet switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL in the UKCYCLADESMerit NetworkTymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of protocols. The ARPANET in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks.

Comic Book Ideas

Just realised I haven't posted hardly anything so yer you go g

 Comic book ideas with Liam 'the stippler' Fletcher

 Idea 1: Heroin in the Attic

 Basically there is a man living in his attic who has gone just a tad bit mental and thinks he's a woman. He keeps a box of severed female heads in the corner who he consults for fashion tips. His day consists of smashing his head against the wall repeatedly and going on a mass murder spree.

 Idea 2: Fish-Men Samurai

 In the ancient village of Sardine-Yung there is a race of people who are human in every way except they have the heads of a Fish. They are extremely well trained in the art of samurai but over the years have gone slightly mad due to their internet being disconnected. This has led them to find other ways of enjoying themselves by decapitating their friends and family. One day they have their lives turned upside down after an army of Giant three legged chickens attack the village, The samurai's are then called into action to save the village!

 Idea 3: Chair-Bloke

 A man obsessed with finding the perfect chair develops an idea to genetically fuse himself with a household armchair. The experiment goes horribly wrong and he ends up becoming the Magnificent Chair-Bloke! He devotes his life and powers to saving people of the word who are fed up with standing around, especially when waiting for a bus or in a line.